Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dogs in Chairs

Finished reading the Open Source article by Mitchell and Gilbertson. Started looking over the question for our discussion post on this topic. Visited and got lost in looking through all the photos.

Here are a couple of my favorites:


  1. The 2nd photo is awesome! There is a dog on a chair, unless I'm mistaken. I want it on my wall, and I need to get to that reading. I put it off long enough.
    Thanks for the photos!

  2. It is a crazy pic! What possessed them to put a dog on a chair, on a lily pad, in the middle of a pond, I just don't know. I wish my dogs were that well-behaved! The lily pads would be destroyed and the kids soaking, crying messes.

    There's a close-up of the same picture that has the dog as a focal point, but I prefer the one I posted. Glad you enjoyed it!
