Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Take That, Joomla!

I was referring to the smack down I gave Joomla. Actually it was more of a beating...and I was on the receiving end.

Overall it was a really frustrating assignment.  It started with the three different web addresses needed to access my site- four, if you count the address for the how-to tutorial. Each address seemed to have a different login and password, but I didn't realize any of this until trying to access my page.

From there it went on to hair-pulling when I was trying to understand the Joomla language: categories, menus, and articles. Having finished, I only vaguely understand the meaning of categories and menus. I think if I were using Joomla to manage many different websites and/or blogs I would have a firmer grip on these terms and their intended attempts at organizing information. With only one piddly little site (that would be mine) it just created confusion.

But alas, I made it through most of the tutorial (had to stop it when the Q&A section started- couldn't take it any more) and the following is the result of a lot of time, tears, and tirades: wandering7505.cloudaccess.net. I hope you enjoy it. Please don't tell me anything is wrong with it for at least a day. I need some space from this project.

You know, the best part of this semi-miserable experience is seeing the sites that everyone created. There are some truly talented and interesting folks taking this class!


  1. I think your site is great! I finished mine several days ago now, and I've found that the further I get from it, the more I appreciate it. I hope you feel the same way!

  2. Emily,
    Love your sense of humor about it. It was a doozy of an assignment. Wish we actually had more time to figure it out and do more with it.

  3. Good job, Emily. I want to ride on the Hiawatha Bike Trail...sounds awesome.
